Yukon Recreation Gathering 2022
It was a privilege to host this past year's Recreation Gathering on the traditional territory of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation. Thank you to the City of Dawson and Yukon Government's Sport & Recreation Branch for your support. Thank you also to the Klondike Institute of Art & Culture and the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre for the space to host this event.
More than 39 recreation practitioners from 11 Yukon communities and three guests from B.C. attended the 2022 Recreation Gathering. A special shout-out goes to the guest presenters who made this event an enriching experience for all.
As promised, the following are some of the resources shared during the conference and breakout group presentations. We hope that these will be a refresher and reference tool for the fascinating concepts covered at the Recreation Gathering.
Planet Youth and the Icelandic Prevention Model
COVID Recovery Research: Why Leisure Matters More Than Ever
Aggie Weighill, Director, World Leisure Centre of Excellence (VIU)
Amber Underwood, Student, World Leisure Centre of Excellence (VIU)
History of Aquatics in the Yukon (Beyond the Sluice Box)
Sean Healy, Aquatics Consultant, Recreation & Parks Association of the Yukon
Tools We Use (or don't) World Café
Alex Jegier, Executive Director, ElderActive Recreation Association
CBYF Yukon and the Territorial Youth Strategy
Maxime Crawford-Holland, Project Manager, Communities Building Youth Futures
Evidence Based Decision Making: Why Research Matters in Recreation
Aggie Weighill, Director, World Leisure Centre of Excellence (VIU)
Social Media 101: Connecting With Your Audience
John Tonin, Communications Coordinator, Sport Yukon
Sensory Pathways in Your Community
Lindsay Agar, Corporate Events Coordinator, City of Whitehorse
Leadership Games & Activities
Alycia Bannon, Active Playground Experience (APE) Coordinator, RPAY
Janna Tait, Physical Literacy Education Coordinator, Sport & Recreation Branch of the Yukon Government
Nordic Walking
Fran Nyman, Winter Active For Life (WAFL) Coordinator, RPAY