Yukon Recreation Gathering

The Yukon Recreation Gathering is held annually for recreation leaders from across the territory.

The Recreation Gathering offers professional development and networking opportunities. This event connects like-minded leaders from across the Yukon who network, share stories, and learn together. Participants always leave feeling motivated, inspired, and supported.

What rec leaders tell us...

“I love the ability to network with my rec peers.  I feel afterwards that I’m not alone in my struggles.”

“Super enthusiastic presenter! It was nice to get moving.”

“Great takeaways... from the keynote's wisdom about on-the-land activities to the practical knowledge presented in handling challenges in the recreation field.”

“Games that do not require much equipment and can be played anywhere are great at engaging and entertaining people of all ages.”

“Three days helps us develop bonds and connections with others. It is also a good length of time for retention of knowledge learned.”

“I loved the Yukon Parks presentation. I could have spent more time with them. I didn't know that they would help out with programs and offer funding opportunities.”

HOLD THE DATES: 2024 Recreation Gathering

September 24th and 25th

The 2024 Recreation Gathering is scheduled for the last week of September. Accommodation will be in Whitehorse and sessions and activities will take place outside of Whitehorse. Monday and Thursday will be travel days.

The Gathering is hosted by RPAY in partnership with Yukon Government Sport and Recreation Branch.

Check back soon for more information.

Registration Deadline: Early September


170 Titanium Way

Suite 201-C

Whitehorse, YT

tel: (867) 668-3010

fax: (867) 668-2455

Toll free: 1-866-961-WALK (9255)


We respectfully acknowledge that we work within the traditional territory of the people of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Ta'an Kwäch'än Council.